Mia culpa maxima … forgot to send you a map guide to get around on Saturday !! Just click here on ‘Planty Fierce’ to print off the reverse side that has an easy map to follow, showing all garden addresses and their map locations.
There are four “planty” destinations for you, or you can see all four FREE with the best event map to make the plantiest day possible, here on the Central Coast at ‘Planty Fierce’ this
Saturday 5th March 10am – 4pm
Costus afterCostus comosus X belizeCostus comosus X erythrophyllus ‘Oxley Ruby’
Get onto the Pacific Hwy Wahroonga on ramp by 9am and start with my ‘Sea-Changer’ at 21 Lavinia Street, Forresters Beachwith an ETA around 10am. Your Event Map at the gate on FREE entry and see the lush Spiral Gingers as featured this week on Catherine Stewart’s illustrious Garden Drum
Coachwood plants sales at ‘Sea-Changer’ – Euphorbia caput-medusae – Medusa’s Head
.. before leaving, head over to peruse just some of Coachwood Nursery’s planty treasures available for sale, as precious momentos of your day at ‘Sea-Changer’ for your own garden … EXCITEMENT !!
Tillandsia and Neoregelia at the ‘Tabone Garden’
Then around 11am zoom up to the sweeping curves of ‘Tabone Garden’ 21 Toomeys Road, Mt Elliote, where owners Cathy and Tony Tabone have lovingly made this beautiful acreage garden graced with interesting plants like the Rangoon Creeper, Golden Spider Lilly, Giant Potato Vine and the dainty Nodding Clerodendron (C. nutans).
Pop over to Bamboo Buddha at 221 Wattle Tree Road, Holgate for a lovely vegetarian lunch in the Zen garden or Lutus 127A Ocean View Drive, Wambaral for snappy beachside cafe fare.
‘Paradox’ richly textural rug of foliage colour blasts
Next on offer is horticulturist Ray Henderson’s fierce ‘Paradox’ around 1.30 – 2pm, 25 Curringa Close, Glenning Valley featuring many of his new “Hot Brom” neoregelias as currently featured in Horticultural Journal.
Save some penny’s for Ray’s exceptional full sun bromeliads that will transform your garden with their “stained glass” winter effect and exhilarating seasonal flowers such a bonus.. !
‘Living Edge’ garden chic
Cap off your day beautifully on the way home if returning to Sydney, at 1483 Peats Ridge Rd, Peats Ridge where plantsmen David Fripp & Blake Jolley’s ‘Living Edge’ garden cornucopia of very telling combinations, with rare plant sales to die for …
So, bring plenty of boxes for your plants and don’t forget to visit an ATM on Friday to avoid disappointment of missing out on sooooooooo many good selections for your garden. Professional advise free from all four of these industry gardens and looking forward to seeing you here at ‘Sea-Changer’ where I’ll be spreading the “gardens made from plants” love all day !!
Nothing says exotica like the Giant Duchman’s Pipe Vine ..at
Living Edge garden & nursery
1483 Peats Ridge Rd, Peats Ridge, opens Saturday 5th March 10am – 4pm for ‘Planty Fierce’4 gardens 1 day FREE !
.. and this is just the tip of the ‘Living Edge’ iceberg when it comes to the kind of horticultural treasure you can expect to find at Blake Jolley and David Fripp’s garden & nursery.
Charming ‘Living Edge’ Dry Garden
Blake’s impeccable eye has masterfully combined the richly ornamental band width of planting coming from David’s collection and a lifetime of his experience as a gifted propagator with an penchant for the unusual.
Rhipsalis colossusMore examples of textural contrasts at ‘Living Edge’
So really, I urge you not to miss this amazing, never before seen garden of great beauty and very chic combinations, as part of ‘Planty Fierce’ and bring your pennies and plenty of boxes as you WILL be sorely tempted for your own garden 😮
…open FREE for ‘Planty Fierce’10am – 4pm Saturday, 5th March
Just 14 days now until you could be standing in front of ‘Sea-Changer’s’ Mirror Deck, part of my first seaside home garden effort,that’s barely at its first season but already with an impressive youthful high summer flush, thanks to regular rain.
Mark your planners NOW to see all 4 never before opened, exciting ‘Planty Fierce’ gardens on the Central Coast on the 1 day. Avoid the disappointment of missing out on some of the best warm temperate, coastal planting available from sales tables at each garden, just bulging with garden treasures you’ll probably never see again..
… just a little taster of what you can expect across the Coachwood sales tables at ‘Sea-Changer’ for ‘Planty Fierce’ as one my preferred Designer Growers Network suppliers. Bring extra pennies and plenty of boxes because there are plant sales at both ‘Paradox’ and ‘Living Edge’ also !!
For the ‘Plantiest” day possible, can I suggest the following itinerary assuming you are on the Pacific Motorway heading north before 9am –
10am Peter Nixon’s ‘Sea-Changer’ designer coastal garden
12.30pm Cathy & Tony Tabone’s beautiful expansive acreage garden at 21 Toomeys Road Mt Elliot, or Tabone’s then LATE LUNCH Lotus 127A Ocean View Dr, Wambaral https://www.facebook.com/Lotus-Cafe-160936717259445/
2pm Ray Henderson’s fierce ‘Paradox’ 25 Curringa Close, Glenning Valley plant sales,
3pm David Fripp & Blake Jolly’s plantman garden “Living Edge” at 1483 Peats Ridge Rd Peats Ridge garden on the way home ..then easy to join Pacific Motorway returning to Sydney.