David Fripp & Blake Jolley have a well kept secrete .. “Living Edge” garden & nursery.
Well it never started out being a secrete but horticulturally soaked talent usually burns more like a hot ember. We’ll be blowing the lid off that come Saturday 5th March ’16 when David & Blake’s “Living Edge” garden will open as part of “Planty Fierce”, together with my “Sea-Changer” launch, as a garden extravaganza of four exciting Central Coast gardens you can get to see FREE on the one day. Three of these have never been open to the public before and with “Living Edge” in particular, you can expect a garden made from horticultural treasures at every turn. Stay tuned for details on the other 2 exciting gardens and mark your 2016 planners !!
“Living Edge” has a great sense of arrival into an interesting pattern garden that breaks out into beautifully planted pathways and a Dry Garden. Both men have very fine horticultural chops and David in particular as a gifted propagator, so many of the plants that make “Living Edge” from his rather fabulous collection, will be on sale tables for you to take a little (or a lot..) “Planty Fierce” home with you for your own gardens.
So bring your questions as both David & Blake will be moving around the garden to help with challenges and share in your successes. And bring your boxes as you WILL be sorely tempted across the sales tables.

“Living Edge” garden & nursery 0416 223 868 Open 10am till 4pm
1483 Peats Ridge Rd, Peats Ridge
NOTE: “Planty Fierce” open date has CHANGED to Saturday, 5th March ’16
(access shared with Kawana Nursery, see rust cortex steel numbers, drive in down unsealed approach to take a left side fork at “Living Edge” sign. Drive thru nursery to garden.)
Hi Peter
I’m Jud Sparre I’m a member of the NSW an Central Coast Cactus an Succulents Society NSW Society is holding the Biannual Get together on the long weekend of October dates29th & 30th Sept and 1st Oct Monday the 2nd Oct we were wondering if we could visit your wonderful Garden and Nursery please as it would be a great way to finish out Get Together
Contact No. 0402043574
Hi Judy, please forgive my extremely late response as I’ve just been swept away with work since the time of the last posts sent out to Garden Lovers. NSW Central Coast Cac Soc very welcome to visit ‘Sea-Changer’. It will be open together with Ray Henderson’s ‘Paradox’ at Glenning Valley on Sat 28th April http://bit.ly/2BHflNn if your Soc is interested. Hope to see you all then, Kind regards, Peter Nixon – Paradisus
Just saw the Garden Australia.
I would like to know ,are you going to have the open garden in the future ?
Love your work .
Hi Tina,
‘Sea-Changer’will be open together with Ray Henderson’s ‘Paradox’ at Glenning Valley on Sat 28th April http://bit.ly/2BHflNn for ‘PLanty Fierce’. Hoping you can join us then … Cheers, Peter Nixon – Paradisus
Only just saw article in house and garden will u b having another open day
Hello Kerry sorry for slow reply but yes ‘Sea-Changer’ will open again on the first Saturday in May on the 6th. Hope to see you then and watch the Blog for more information to come .. !
Hi Kerry, my ‘Sea-Changer’garden on the NSW Central Coast with plant sales, will be open together with Ray Henderson’s ‘Paradox’ at Glenning Valley on Sat 28th April 2018 http://bit.ly/2BHflNn as part of ‘Planty Fierce’. Hope to see you then. Cheers, Peter Nixon
I can’t wait for March.
Yes Sancha, you WON”T be disappointed. Now save up and don’t throw another cardboard box into the recycle !! Looking forward to seeing you on the day.
Cheers, Peter