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Dear Peter,
I am looking for a rather rare climber that I don’t seem to be able to get from nurseries on the Central Coast. I was wondering whether you knew where I could get one or even the seeds would be great. It is called Rangoon Creeper or Quisquaqlis indica. I would love to hear back from you, I live at Laker Munmorah.
from Lindy
Hi Lindy, thanks for your inquiry and yes, there is a beautiful specimen of Quisqualis indica the Rangoon Creeper at ‘The Tabone Garden’ open FREE as part of ‘Planty Fierce’ where Cathy Tabone herself can show you where it grows in her garden there .. 21 Toomeys Road Mt Elliote. As to where to buy, maybe at RBG Sydney Growing Friends If this url doesn’t appear as a link, just copy and paste into your browser or you can send them a request to 9231 8182 or email: Otherwise, come along to Collectors Plant Fair, Clarendon on 9th & 10th April and in particular call Wes Vidler 0428 832 582 at Weslor Nursery who grows many climbing plants, to make an order there for collection at the Fair from his stall.Well worth the effort to try in your north facing garden in full sun Lindy. Hope to see you at here at ‘Sea-Changer’ on Saturday for ‘Planty Fierce’ where Coachwood will be selling Clytostoma callistegoides the Beauty Vine with early spring amethyst trumpets incase you would like to substitute.
Cheers, Peter
Thank you for getting back to me and I will certainly try the places you suggested.
Thank you again from Lindy
Dear Peter
I’m looking forward to your”Open”! Exciting!
I’ve enjoyed this news as always thank you.
Happy Christmas and a GREAT 2016 full of joy and good health!
Thanks Bunny, always a pleasure to hear from you and looking forward to seeing you here on the “Plenty Fierce” trail come Saturday 5th March .. !!